Things happening here on the East Coast of the USA

I just finished reading this thread on the forums

I decided to make a quick post of what and why I am doing some things over here. Karma is all good and we as a community forum have it great with C5's karma system. I just am saddened at how some folks abuse things. I have also seen the spams (received some too) from fake users. This happens everywhere. Nuff said.

What is happening? :) :) :)

I have been contacted by several folks on templating the Auto-Nav and Page List blocks. Have been able to help some but as the regular forum folks know, I do what I can with my so so php abilities. But at least I can direct those inquiries to where I think they will get the best help. These have been folks exclusively on the east coast. We haven't heard from a lot of folks from the east coast and Concrete IS slowly getting known.

One of the things I promised I would do for the community is to start evangelizing for Concrete here in NC and the east coast as finances and time allowed. I originally was going to start big time in the new year as I re-branded my consulting site. Well it started early. I went to Ashville, NC recently at the request of a few folks and I had an absolute blast. Everyone received the explination/demo with gusto. Explaining to design firms about the marketplace was maybe the deciding factor. How the RB worked and actual refund of add-ons one may have purchased. I was told it is virtually impossible to get support/refund from the big D if an add-on was not exceptable. So that ONE explination sold Concrete5 to some.

The in-text editing was the second most liked feature. Lastly, the few folks that have come to the forums or IRC liked the community and responses. I was greatly pleased to here that.

I have been invited back to Ashville at a later date and hope to have a larger audience. I am looking at presenting mainly to Designers and Project Managers and then later to Developers.

It is a very exciting time for me here. May take awhile to get things going sometimes but it does slowly happen.

Thank you all for allowing me my thoughts and comments. Franz and Andrew, thanks again for providing a great CMS and best wishes in during these holidays.

Look for more later in the new year :)


frz replied on at Permalink Reply
that's great news Bill

The karma thing turned out to be an idle experiment more than something malicious
We also have some controls inplace to mitigate spam in the next version of

If you haven't seen the water&stone report on cms's you should check it out... Very exciting news in there