Title Ribbon in Block
Hello once again all.
Trying to correct what may be a simple issue to some, but it's been stumping me for days now. I move onto other parts of my project, but this one keeps calling back my attention. Here's my delima:
Now focusing on the title within the <span> tag that's hard coded into my .php file it outputs just fine to my browsers (see image01).
This is fine, but I intend to use this full-page.php template on multiple pages for it's layout. I don't want to create a separate php file for each additional page just to change the hard coded title.
Here is the php template re-written to create the editable area:
Now when I attempt to place this codein a block, the output is (see img02). I have went as far as grabbing and including all the parent div's down to that span tag, and every time I attempt to place into a block, I get same results.
Would appreciate all time and assistance helping me with this. I hope I've been as thorough as possible, but please let me know if I should include additional info.
Trying to correct what may be a simple issue to some, but it's been stumping me for days now. I move onto other parts of my project, but this one keeps calling back my attention. Here's my delima:
<div class="main-title"> <span><b>A little bit about Sista's</b></span> <a href="/index.php">back to Homepage</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="full-width"> <h3></h3> <?php $a = new Area('Main'); $a->display($c); ?></div>
Now focusing on the title within the <span> tag that's hard coded into my .php file it outputs just fine to my browsers (see image01).
This is fine, but I intend to use this full-page.php template on multiple pages for it's layout. I don't want to create a separate php file for each additional page just to change the hard coded title.
Here is the php template re-written to create the editable area:
<div class="main-title"> <?php $a = new Area('Title'); $a->display($c); ?><a href="/index.php">back to Homepage</a> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="full-width">
Now when I attempt to place this code
<span><b>A little bit about Sista's</b></span>
Would appreciate all time and assistance helping me with this. I hope I've been as thorough as possible, but please let me know if I should include additional info.
Thanks, but I've tried that to no avail. Still checking though.
Solved, here's my solution. the <b> tag referenced in the template and the css file as a container tag, for some reason when included in the block wasn't being recognized.
I changed the <b> to a <p> in the php and css, now the code can be placed in a block, therefore, the title section of any page using same php can be edited.
Thanks for allowing me to post, seems more than oft, when I spend time on something i can't figure it out, when I post, there's always positive results, whether someone provides the answer, or gives me inspiration to continue plugging away until I figure it out myself.
Thanks a bunch JohntheFish!
I changed the <b> to a <p> in the php and css, now the code can be placed in a block, therefore, the title section of any page using same php can be edited.
Thanks for allowing me to post, seems more than oft, when I spend time on something i can't figure it out, when I post, there's always positive results, whether someone provides the answer, or gives me inspiration to continue plugging away until I figure it out myself.
Thanks a bunch JohntheFish!
- Changes in path the to css and path to images. In your theme it will be one path. From your block it could need a different path.
- Z Index.
Using the developer console you can tweak this sort of thing on the live page, change styles on the fly etc. They won't be proper edits, but its a great way of tracking down what is glitching and how to fix it.