Tool tip baloon
Hello everyone!
I was wondering if anyone knew how to write the code or developed an add-on that acts as a tool tip. I'll explain better...if a visitor mouses over a word that is acive, a baloon opens with a small advertisement, maybe a product image/description/price, and then can be clicked to direct the visitor to an online store, or affiliate site. I don't think it would be difficult, but I am not a programmer. Anyone have any ideas? THanks everyone...have a great day!!
I was wondering if anyone knew how to write the code or developed an add-on that acts as a tool tip. I'll explain better...if a visitor mouses over a word that is acive, a baloon opens with a small advertisement, maybe a product image/description/price, and then can be clicked to direct the visitor to an online store, or affiliate site. I don't think it would be difficult, but I am not a programmer. Anyone have any ideas? THanks everyone...have a great day!!

there are a bunch of jquery pugins that can do that, one that comes to mind is jquery tools
Thanks for the reply...but where do i go to take a better look at something like that? Is implementation difficult? I have implemented Java script contact forms and such in the past (on other sites) it is pretty easy?
take a look at