Update the Forgot Password email

Hey all!

My client has requested some custom content for the Forgot Password email that goes out. I found a PHP file called (cleverly enough) 'forgot_password.php'. However, that file only contains the subject and the body. Where's the rest? I wanted to setup a HTML/Text email, so I need to add some headers and stuff. Has anyone tried this before?


Darkwater23 replied on at Permalink Reply

I searched all the PHP files (using WinGREP) and didn't find where the forgot_password file is being used.

Anyone know where this is all assembled? I assume there's a controller puts it together, but I'm not sure how the controller would use this file if it is not calling it by name.

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
the body can contain html i believe,

actually i think someone made a patch on the forums for the mailhelper that allows that
Darkwater23 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for responding!

I know the body can contain HTML, but I have a script that will allow me to do an alternate content email. This puts plain text and HTML in the same message for maximum compatibility.

But, to do it, I need to format the message using the header method. The one PHP file I found is not the complete message sending script. I just need to know where the rest of it is and how it works so I can figure out the best way to override the standard message.

I'll see if I can find the patch.