URGENT lost block editing, rich text editor!
I suddenly lost the ability to use the Rich Text Editor while in edit mode!!
All I am able to put the block into edit mode. I can add text but the rich text editor does not appear and the admin bar grays out and I can not save anything! The RTE seems ok from the dashboard though. I can add other blocks to the page in edit mode.
All I am able to put the block into edit mode. I can add text but the rich text editor does not appear and the admin bar grays out and I can not save anything! The RTE seems ok from the dashboard though. I can add other blocks to the page in edit mode.

Assuming it's concrete5 version 5.6.x?
I had upgraded from 8.3.1 to 8.3.2 when I first noticed this and using CoolMint Theme. I went back to 8.3.1 using elemental theme and now able to use the text editor again, however, the options to Link Content to File or Page is not functioning- even though the boxes are checked.