URGENT. Update Crashed Site , Backup Restore Not working, Site Down

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My site has crashed and I'm completely stuck on how to fix.

Upgraded to latest version of c5 this morning and got an error. (Sorry, don;t recall what that error was, but I think it had something to do with Stacks) but I got sent back to my dashboard.

I had already backed up the Database and so did a system restore.

The site is now completely down.

I get this error when going to site.

Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0

Need help fast!

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
As well as restoring the previous database, you also need to remove the core version line that the update would have added to config/site.php.

You may find it best to use phpMyAdmin or similar to restore the previous database again (and not the built in c5 restore)
grovesk replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there

Thanks for fast reply.

I was just looking at the config.php file. Do you mean this line?

<?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.6.1.2_updater');?>
grovesk replied on at Permalink Reply
OK. I just tried that and the site is back up!

Should I also remove the "updates/concrete5.6.1.2_updater" folder or will that get over-written when I upgrade at another time?

Just to confirm for others who might have this issue, I removed the following line from config.php file.

?><?php define('DIRNAME_APP_UPDATED', 'concrete5.6.1.2_updater');?>

At least that gets you back to where you started.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
There is no harm in deleting the (now unused) updater folder. It will be recreated next time you update that version.

Just a reminder to others, you need to remove the config line AND restore the database (and maybe also restore files, but that is usually less critical)

The safest way to test a major update is to run it first on a clone of a site on a development system or staging system rather on the live site.

For the future, you may find these of interest:
grovesk replied on at Permalink Reply
This is the first time I've had a problem with a c5 upgrade so I became over-confident I guess. Testing locally from now on!

Thanks again.
stressandhealthresearch replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm having the same problem. And I don't know how use phpMyAdmin. what does that mean? Please tell me i can get the site back. I also backed it up before i updated.
krr replied on at Permalink Reply
stress -
You don't need phpMyAdmin to get to the line you need to remove/change.
Use the File Manager on the server where your website is located. Go to the directory where your site files are located, open it up, and look for the folder named "config". Inside that folder are 2 files, named "site.php" and "site_theme_paths.php". Open up 'site.php' and that is where you will find the line which needs editing. Hopefully, that will be all you need to do - I will keep my fingers crossed for you!
GBCUSER replied on at Permalink Reply
I was just toatly locked out of our site after applying update5.6.1.2.

I followd the sugestion to edit the config.php file, and just replaced "" with the most recent version we were using "" and Praise Jesus it worked.