User Cookie not Saving?

I've been having some issues with an older site recently and am trying to debug it. It seems like the server is not saving the user cookie.

When I attempt to do anything on the site from an admin perspective, I get an 'Access Denied' error. Doing some testing, it is not an issue with
defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die("Access Denied.");
but rather that when this code is run
$u = new User();
it returns an empty user object.

The site is *relatively* small, so I thought I might just reinstall c5 and add all the content back in. When I try to install a new site without content on the same server, I get the following error
mysql error: [1048: Column 'uID' cannot be null] in EXECUTE("INSERT INTO Config (cfKey,cfValue,uID) VALUES ('NEWSFLOW_LAST_VIEWED','FIRSTRUN',NULL)")

I didn't make any changes to the codebase and things magically started going wrong a few weeks ago; I'm assuming that there was some update to the PHP server that I am not aware of and that is what is causing this issue.

Any ideas what might be causing this to happen? I'm at my wits end.

ESKEMA replied on at Permalink Reply

did you resolve this issue? If so how?
I'm having the same problem on a new server and a fresh install of C5

What can be done to resolve this?

SkyBlueSofa replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sorry, I don't remember what I did to resolve this.
leesalminen replied on at Permalink Reply
Is your issue only with Internet Explorer or all browsers?