Pagination use jquery slider instead of reloading the page on the member page

Oke I have this slider that should be replacing the currenty "go to the next page" link.

What I want, I want to slide/swipe between different pages instead of reloading.

An example can be seen in the attachment or here:

1 Attachment

admin replied on at Permalink Reply
Oke so I got the slider working to display a maximum of 10 users per page, but concrete5 is automaticly adding a next button, I want to get rid of that and use the slider. How can this be done ?
admin replied on at Permalink Reply
Oke I updated the main post quit a bit to be more clear.

I now discoverd that it has something to do with the Pagination of concrete5, anyone has a idea on how to control this?
admin replied on at Permalink Reply