Using Jquery tab widget

Hi all,

I was able to incorporate the spry tab widget into concrete 5 after reading a thread on this forum, I had also read that when jquery plugins are used we need not include that in the header file of the theme in another thread, I tried this as i wanted to try using a tabbed widget, I know there is a block already doing well but i just wanted to give it a shot. It doesn't work. Also I wanted to use a particular theme from themeroller and i tried declaring it in the header with no results

Any suggestions

justinjools replied on at Permalink Reply
did you have any success doing this?

I am also putting together a tab menu, I just don't know the logic or command to find the last child <ul> item/ end of <ul> to write closing </div> tag:

see here for original post and example block template:
justinjools replied on at Permalink Reply
hi trying to get tab menu working too. Can you tell me how you didi this?
sebastienj replied on at Permalink Reply
Just to say that now there are a block in the MP that can be transform C5 layout into tab or accordion.. Just nice :-)