Using C5 for a Directory Site

I want to create a directory website where Businesses pay me a subscription & their advert goes into a section on the site. I want to know can I

A - Automate renewals on this so that at the end of each month they are prompted to renew their subscription to the site

B - Is there a payment module available to do te above if it can't be automated?

Can't wait to hear people's thoughts.


frz replied on at Permalink Reply
you can build what you're talking about yourself today.

in a few weeks there will be some add-ons making it easier.
johnnyNui replied on at Permalink Reply
many of the sites I use could also benefit from a member directory.

I know that each member could be made into a page, and then it is a matter of listing the pages in a directory fashion, but then how would you do a directory search, or alphabetical listing by letter, or by category.

Any hints as to what the new addons are?
hereNT replied on at Permalink Reply
The release candidate for the next version has a 'members' page that lists off all the members. There's also private messaging built in.

No idea what they're doing for addons, that's in the core.