V5.4.1.1 - default theme css


I've just upgraded to the latest version which seems to store the main.css and typography.css files elsewhere than previous.
They used to be in concrete/themes/default but now, the page source code refers to index.php/tools/css/themes/default/main.css etc. I'd made a few changes to my default theme and am trying to upload the modified file, but can't find where it's now stored.

Anyone know where the css files are?



hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
Upload your modified default theme to /themes in the root. Not in /concrete/themes

Now when you update in the future it wont overwrite your modifications. :)
peterfinch replied on at Permalink Reply

I've uploaded my theme to the /themes directory in the root but it's still using the original theme from somewhere. (I'm new to C5 and CMSs sorry).

I've never seen a stylesheet tag link to "index.php/directory/directory..." before. Must be a CMS / PHP thing...

hostco replied on at Permalink Reply
If you want send me a private message with access to your site. I would be happy to take a look if you have not already resolved the issue :)
hostco replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Thanks for giving me access to your site.

I have resolved your issue.

It was 2 problems

1) In the /themes directory you did not have your theme in the /default directory. You uploaded the files to the root of /themes

I created the directory /default inside /themes and moved the files there.

2) Your /themes/default/elements/header.php was pretty messed up. It had code in it that looks like it was possibly added by an html editor of some kind. I backed up the original one you had, left it there and renamed it. I uploaded a clean version of header.php and looks like everything is back to normal.

Let me know if you need help with anything else :)
peterfinch replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks very much for your kind patience and support!

Everything is working great now. I'll have a look at things in detail tomorrow. Strange about the header file; I haven't use a HTML editor (?).

Thanks again

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