View.php doesn't seem to do anything

Hi there, I've downloaded and loaded the theme fluidity and it's kind of nice. but I noticed that the view.php doesn't seem to do anything. I deleted it and refreshed the site but all stays the same.

I keep banging on in this forum about the view.php and I know from the documentation that it controls the single pages but what does it do because I can't see it doing anything.


okhayat replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You'll need view.php for single pages. Either ones that are added with packages, like eCommerce, or when customizing /config/site_theme_paths.php to use your theme like:
$v->setThemeByPath('/login', "yourtheme");
kappi replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Okhayat, you're a star. So if I'm right in saying then the view.php caters for single pages.

But . . . I've read else where that view acts as a default style and is used before the default.php and that if no view.php is located then the default.php is used. Is this correct?
kappi replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry another related question. I'm using a theme named Loadfoov2 and I noticed that in the view.php it has classes named:

<div class="rowcontainer">
<div class="fullcolumn">

Now I see from the css that the classes are not used or even present. So what gives?
That's why I ask about view.php.

I also have another question but I'll start a new post.

Thanks again