way off topic, phpbb

I know guys this is totally off base, and trust me I've tried other forums. Im trying here because I know there are plenty expert webmasters here and one of you guys knows the answer. I have a phpbb forum athttp://www.wbjeep.com/forum (dont laugh its something my 9yo and I work on). I was trying to add an arcade button to the nav bar and I have a few other buttons I want to add. But a few weeks ago a guy added the arcade button for me but the url its linked to isnt where I want the button to go. so I need to edit the hyperlink. I have tried to use firebug to locate the folder or file to edit but with no success. I've also tried to find it in the overall header html file, still no luck. but I also need to know how to add new buttons to the nav bar. I hope I dont upset anyone here by asking but Im in need of help.

Proteus replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you tried asking over at the phpBB forum? That would really be the place for this sort of thing.


I can't see what the file structure of your phpBB install is like from here. Firebug or similar developer tools probably won't be able to help you. There's probably some sort of PHP file that is building that group of links.

I'm not familiar enough with phpBB's file structure to know where to point you.

Again, the phpBB forums are probably where you would get the best answer.
wbjeep replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks man,, yes I have been asking on phpbb and seems like my issue is different than anyone elses..
Proteus replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
So they're not keen on helping? Hmm.

Did your friend tell you how he put the link in there?

He might have put it into the template itself, rather than the PHP files that build the forum (that would be a quick-fix solution).

It looks like your using AeroBlue template (tell me if I'm wrong). I went ahead and downloaded a vanilla copy of this template.

It looks like all phpBB themes have a file called "overall_header.html". It would probably be found here:


I noticed that that seems to be where that row of buttons is built. If you open up that file, you should see some code like this:

<div class="buttonwrapper">
<div class="navspacer"></div>
<!-- IF not S_IS_BOT -->
<a class="squarebuttonr" href="{U_LOGIN_LOGOUT}"><span>{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}</span></a><div class="navspacer"></div>
<a class="squarebuttonr" href="{U_MEMBERLIST}"><span>{L_MEMBERLIST}</span></a><div class="navspacer"></div>
<!-- ENDIF -->
<!-- ENDIF -->
<a class="squarebuttonr" href="{U_FAQ}"><span>{L_FAQ}</span></a>

Look to see if that link is put in there just as straight HTML.

BTW: I see you took the button off completely—right while I was typing, actually. Does that mean you found it?

If it's there, you should just be able to change the URL to whatever you want.

EDIT: ignore the beginning and ending PHP tags it the code block puts there…
wbjeep replied on at Permalink Reply
well i did get someone to help at phpbb.
and yes I have made some great headway tonite. thanks for your reply.