website migration help needed


Been working on a website now for 1 month for a friend "", and now migrating the website to his hosting

However the site seems to keep throwing up php time out, FastCGI Errors, blank screen or occasionally does manage to load the sites header.

The only thing I can get up is the login screen.

I should add the that the database is not "localhost" but on another server (which remote access allowed for the site). I know it must be the host though since i've successfully migrated to another web server fine, with exactly the same files.

Why would the host have so much trouble running C5?

I don't know much about php but this might help?

Thank you in advance for any help!!

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
#1 i suggest removing <script src=""></script>
(you loaded jquery twice)

and moving all the code you added under the header_required

#2 the problem is the slideshow block your using, turn on development mode in the dashboard to see what error its throwing
spencernash replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey, thanks for the advice.

In my themes I have tried the changes, as well as stripping out the the slidshow whole content of the page.

I've also took it back to basics and tried re-installing the whole c5 CMS, however I get a CGI/FastCGI error.

Am I wrong in thinking its a php issue?

php info for working site:

php info for non-working site:

Many thanks,