What's wrong with C5 Forum spam control?
As soon I as try to make a post with php code the system disables my account and then it takes days to reactivate it after contacting the Concrete5 company.
This is frustrating and annoying. I spend 20 minutes to write a question and then it all goes down the drain...
It hasn't done this before!
This is frustrating and annoying. I spend 20 minutes to write a question and then it all goes down the drain...
It hasn't done this before!
Here's what triggered the spam blockers. The code was properly marked from what I can tell:
private function installCarAttributes($pkg) { $akc = AttributeCategory::getByHandle('car'); if (!is_object($akc)) { $akc = AttributeCategory::add('car', AttributeCategory::ASET_ALLOW_SINGLE, $pkg); $akc->associateAttributeKeyType(AttributeType::getByHandle('text')); $akc->associateAttributeKeyType(AttributeType::getByHandle('textarea')); $akc->associateAttributeKeyType(AttributeType::getByHandle('number')); $akc->associateAttributeKeyType(AttributeType::getByHandle('address')); $akc->associateAttributeKeyType(AttributeType::getByHandle('boolean')); $akc->associateAttributeKeyType(AttributeType::getByHandle('date_time')); $akc->associateAttributeKeyType(AttributeType::getByHandle('select')); $akc->associateAttributeKeyType(AttributeType::getByHandle('url')); $set = AttributeSet::getByHandle('car_options'); if (!$set instanceof AttributeSet) {
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