Which big companies are using Concrete5 at the moment?
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I heard on Totally Random a little while back that Frz mentioned HP are using Concrete5... are there any other note-worthy names to add to the list so I can tell my clients?
Hi Franz
Can you provide links to the HP and JCpenny sites that are using Concrete5?
I cannot find them online...
Thanks ins advance!
Can you provide links to the HP and JCpenny sites that are using Concrete5?
I cannot find them online...
Thanks ins advance!
JCPenny is doing something private.
Also we recently found mini.co.uk and press.weather.com
http://cambridge.org is concrete5 too.
best wishes
Franz Maruna
CEO - concrete5.org
JCPenny is doing something private.
Also we recently found mini.co.uk and press.weather.com
http://cambridge.org is concrete5 too.
best wishes
Franz Maruna
CEO - concrete5.org
Thanks for the speefy reply Franz. Very impressive, especially given that i asked the same question to ModX on Friday and i still don't have a reply!
Concrete5 is the place to be!
Indiana University
Priceline (the au drugstore, not the airline ticket one)
A large 4g wireless provider based in seattle I didn't actually just
mention by name.
best wishes
Franz Maruna
CEO - concrete5.org