
Hi all

A while ago I saw a whitelabelling service advertised on the c5 site, whereby one could pay some money (I seem to remember it being around the $900 mark) to have c5 sites connect with the c5 servers for updates/marketplace integration with no c5 branding.

It seems to have disappeared from the site. Is the service still active?

RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
I remember white labeling, but I do not remember all that. lol

I have that doc...but I think that is a partners privilege.

If you are a partner, I can send that to you if it's not still on here.

melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm not a partner - yet. I definitely saw something about this on the normal site (no special access req'd). It would be silly only to mention the service to those who had already paid.

I presumed that there was a technical problem with it so andrew/franz removed it from the site temporarily, but I've been wondering because it's been a while.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
since c5 is licensed under MIT you can rename c5 and sell it as your own, without paying a cent
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
there is no doc on this for partners.

The only place we mention it is on our WHM/cPanel add-on page here:

we stay our services start at $995 for that because frankly I don't know what you want out of whitelabeling. Just nix our logo, or no marketplace integration either? It's a subjective job so if you want my teams help doing it you'll need to define exactly what it means to you.
melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Franz

I think I must have read that little section and misinterpreted it. The intention is basically to use our logo but also make no secret that the system is based on concrete5 (because there's no reason not to), so I guess true whitelabelling isn't necessary.

What does "set that up in a way where you can still offer upgrades and use add-ons safely" mean? Surely if some interface tweaks are made to the Dashboard, updates and whatnot will still work as normal?


frz replied on at Permalink Reply
It's one of those slippery slopes - If you swap out the logo in the upper left of the editing bar, I imagine you can redo that again after an upgrade pretty easily.

If you swap out the tiny logo in the TinyMCE bar, that might get tricker... etc

The reality is we haven't sat down and made a "this is what whitelabeled concrete5 looks like" offering where you can just change a few config values and have the logo and our name swapped out. We've discussed that plenty, but every time it feels like we're actually talking about different types of needs and it's hard to see one way to do it that's going to serve everyone well and be worth our while..

That's why I say, hey - if you want to do this, tell us what you actually want and we might be able to figure out a good way to do it....
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
This thread might interest you:

would love to get your thoughts on it.