Why is my site so slow

It takes forever to load my site and there is hardy anything on it .It has two slideshows one with 7 pitures and one with two pictures. I'm hosted with Ipage and the site is


What I'm I doing wrong does any one know?


adamjohnson replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
These problems are almost always related to your webhost cramming thousands of sites on the same server and overloading the server.

In any event, you can always use Google to host jQuery (see the attached file, extract it and put it in your /elements directory, NOT /concrete/elements).

Here's another article that may help:


Also, if you don't specifically need typography.css, you can just place those styles in main.css to avoid the extra http request.

Hope that helps.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Your host is the problem. You are on ipage. Dreamhost, Bluehost and Inmotionhosting are all much faster than this.
