Windows or Linux hosting for Concrete 5?

I already have Windows XP on my computer and I would like to install concrete 5 on Go Daddy.

Even though I already have Windows, is it better to use the Linux hosting or Windows for concrete 5?

Finally what are some of the issues that I will come across when configuring the Go Daddy for concrete 5 and how will I solve them?


adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
I suggest you go with the Linux hosting despite you being on windows. If you choose Linux hosting all prerequisites will be met and there will nothing for you to worry about.

I don't use GoDaddy myself, but the configuration is pretty straight forward in (mostly) all hosting environments.

1. Create a database and a user with full permissions to that database.
2. Download and unpack the latest release of Concrete5 to your hosts root web directory.
3. Browse to your installation and follow the on-screen instructions.

You can find this information here:
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
As adajad says, go for the linux hosting for your live site.

When copying a site database from windows to linux, the main issue is database case sensitivity.


You may also want to research your choice of hosts by searching back in these forums.