Would Concrete5 be a good CMS for my needs?

Hello people! I am building a gaming website, and I wanted to know if this would be possible with Concrete 5. It's a social gaming website. It's designed to be a hub for all gamers. It will have game trading and integration with other gaming services or social networking services (AKA Xbox Live, Facebook, etc). Users will have the ability to add gaming sites as they wish, and also "sticky" (or like) a page and receive updates on the homepage. There will also be other features, but this is just the general idea of the site. I was considering Drupal, and I still am, but then I came upon this CMS and it looked much easier, so I was wondering if it was suitable for my needs.

The CMS needs:

1. Social Networking Features

Features or add-ons that can easily transform this CMS into a community.

2. Customizable

It needs to be customizable, as there are tons of features I want to put in.

3. Easy Blogging system and user editable RSS feeds

It needs a very easy blogging system, but also user editable RSS feeds. The user can basically add RSS feeds, and it will be displayed on the homepage.

4. Classifieds

It also needs a good classifieds and/or auction plugin.

madeforspace replied on at Permalink Reply
1 Yes
2 Yes
3 Yes, I am guessing something can be done with the RSS feeds.
4 Not sure on that one but there will probably be something you can adapt.

Have a good look around the Market place, there is lots of cool stuff you could add to your site as well as all the stuff that comes in the box.

Out of curiosity what are the Games the site is going to be for?
I love a bit of online gaming when I get the chance, ARMA2 is my preferred game.
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
the social network built in to c5 is a bit weak, might want to modify that some yourself, but it has forums, profile, and I think theres a gamer card add on too.
For the classifieds you probably will want to modify the forums addon, it wouldn't be that hard.
wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
Should all be possible. If you cant do anything yourself, there are great developers under Services>> Support options. There is always someone who knows the answer to your question.http://www.concrete5.org/services/support-options/...

Or check out the free jobs page -http://www.concrete5.org/community/jobs...
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
If you're already familiar with Drupal and know how it works, I think that's probably a better solution for this project. If you don't already know Drupal, though, I would stay far away from it -- it's *very* difficult to learn.

I don't think Concrete5 is ideal for the kind of site you're talking about, because C5 is really geared towards sites where the content is maintained by the site owners, not one with lots of interactivity between the users. For example, a lot of the great things about C5 are in its editing interface, which you would not want to actually expose to public end-users.

I'm not sure what other system can do all this for you without requiring a decent amount of custom coding, though. A quick google search led me to this, which looks interesting:
(I've never used that or even heard of it before, though, so I have no idea).

Just my 2 cents.
