Hi there.
I purchased this and am trying to use it to little success so far.
A note - I have Concrete5 installed in a folder under the root - so Concrete5 is not installed on the root of my site.
the attached image is all I see. However, the cod…
Hi all, I really hope someone can help. I'm trying to install the jQuery slider called SlideDeck and just can't get it to run. All 5 slides are running in one long unformatted slide right down the page.
As the slider will be appearing on most of the pa…
Hi, Hope this is the right area to post a problem I am having?
First site using C5 has been up & running for a couple of months now. I have just signed in to my test site and found the upgrade to 5.6 is waiting for me - allowed it to upgrade and then di…
First of all hello
I`ll go straight forward to my question now. We would kinda need some slideshow/gallery that can show images directly from url (another site). These images would change every 2 min or so (web cam, but its actually jpg).
So my quest…
One much appreciated new feature of C5 5.6.x is that "You can now choose an individual block or an entire stack when adding a stack on the front-end."
Can anyone explain how to choose an individual block from a stack in code?
Many thanks in advance.
Has anybody else noticed that when adding a URL to the "More URLs" field in "Page Paths & Location" the . in the file extension gets dropped when clicking save.
Go back in and it's gone (the "." that is)...?
Hi There,
Does anyone know how to troubleshoot the sitemap.xml job?
It just seems to run endlessly (left it over night once) but doesn't product a valid file. I removed it from the jobs list and duplicated it to top-level /jobs directory (renamed an…
I am working on a theme that has a back-end configuration area. I need to get it so that a default value is displayed. Below is the code I have in the controller. How do assign a default value to this?
public function view(){
$pkg = Packa…
I have Concrete 5 loaded in a subdirectory as I have other pages fronting the site.
I am trying to add a login link to the footer of the pages to allow assigned admins access to edit the pages.
I have added the following to the code: ”>
and the li…
If you're looking to get help with an Add-on or Theme you got out of the marketplace, you can do that from the very same place you got the item in the first place. For example, if you have an eCommerce or Calendar question - go check out the Support tab for each of them.
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