Slideshow image refresh

First of all hello

I`ll go straight forward to my question now. We would kinda need some slideshow/gallery that can show images directly from url (another site). These images would change every 2 min or so (web cam, but its actually jpg).
So my question is: is there any concrete5 slideshow/gallery addon that can display images form external url and has refresh/reload option/button?
Or some other outside concrete5 slideshow script that is able to show images from external url and has refresh image option/button.

Most "no cache" solutions dont work here. No matter what, browser refresh ect... the slideshow still shows outdated jpg images. When said outdated i mean day back.

So slideshow that has refresh image button and can show images from external url. Concrete5 addon or not.

Any similar suggestions or solutions are welcome, as long slideshow can refresh image.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide solutions.
