Developing (v7+)

Layout has gone awol in IE - help please....

Hi For some reason my design has gone crazy in IE and everything seems to be going into one column to the right It seems to be only happening in IE - can't seem to see why IE seems to think it should have su…

504 Gateway Time-Out Error - Install Concrete5 Version

Update: Sorry for doubled forum entry! I don't know how to delete posts? Hi There, The Installation of Concrete5 Version doesn't works for me. The installation process is stopping after roundabout 15 seconds with an 504 Gateway Time-Out …

Images Stretched

Hi, I have been builing my first c5 site and everything seemed fine until I viewed the site on my laptop with Ineternet Explorer. When viewing in IE many of the jpeg images are stretched. I have searched the forums but cant find an answer on how to recti…

Creating A New Block Type

I've just made a new installation of concrete (5.6), and all of a sudden I'm failing Concrete 101's. I created a new block type, when I went to install it I got this... Warning: require_once(/...[concrete root].../concrete/blocks/basic_test/controller…

Month names translation

Hello, I'm wondering how can i change displaying month name in page list block, which is shown using this code: [code] $month = $cobj->getCollectionDatePublic('F'); and i put month name using : [/code] Where can i edit month names, so they can …

Passing variable to add.php from block controller

I'm creating a new block and I want to pass a defined variable to the block instance on add. In my controller, I have the following (among other stuff!): [code] // declare the var public $hasMap = 0; public function add() { $this->set('hasM…

add field to Users table

hi for starting a new a website i want to import a lot of account to the concrete Users table. these account include some extra information like tel, bank account, etc. i think adding user attribute is not a good idea because: 1- import & sync these da…

Can I develop on MAMP and then import to C5spot?

About to start developing a big site. Will I be able to easily move the site to C5spot when I'm ready to go live? I know C5spot has an "import" function, but how does that work? How do you export the site from within MAMP?

mysql error

hello i got this error out of nowhere. i had this once before when i deleted a set that was in a gallery block. but this time it came out of nowhere. i found diefferent threads about it but no solution: Exception Occurred: mysql error: [1054: Unknown co…

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