Developing (v7+)

Foundation Tabs and Designer Content - help please

I have been working on a solution for tabbed Designer Content where what I have is a hardcoded (or html block) list of links, another hardcoded set of areas which accept Designer Content blocks, and finally an iseditmode? check which turns off the tabs wh…

Circumspective: uh... now what?

Noob at c5, but been developing sites since '96, rolled my own simplistic CMSes since 2000. Tired of that... that's not my job anymore. My 'bigger picture' no longer includes keeping tens of thousands of lines of code in my head. So, my question is one of…

Need to uninstall Add-on from Dashboard but can't edit

Hi I screwed up and deleted the files for an add-on, now it's showing in my dashboard add-on list but the edit button won't work to uninstall it so I can reinstall it. Is there is a way to get it off the dashboard list so I can reinstall it from there?…

C560 optimization and caching

Dear C5-programmers, I'm currently running a C5 installation on a VPS with a CPU load of ~0.7. A page load of index.php (so only the PHP) could takes between 2 till 6 seconds, with C5 caching enabled. At the moment I try to find out what the best t…

Missing Edit toolbar after creating new theme

I created a new theme using Adobe Dreamweaver, and converted it to a C5 theme (by adding some PHP coding). It worked EXCEPT that when I sign in to edit the site, the toolbar with the Edit and Dashboard buttons is missing. Any suggestions as to how to …

page cID

Hi All, I'm new to concrete so be gentle;) I'm having a play with creating a carousel block the has items on it that will be from sub pages. I believe I need the parent page cID from the pages table, is this correct? I can then find sub pages with pa…

multiple files attribute

Hello I've made an attribute for multiple files. I need them to load into the page so i can make a gallery. How can i do that?

Utility Bar to show logged in username How-To?

Hey Everyone I'm interested to know what code is used to make a utility bar similar to Concrete5's to show the username when logged in and a signout button, and when not logged in, a "Join" button and a sign-up button are in its place? PHP I'm guess…

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