Developing (v7+)

Best E-Commerce Gateway

Does anyone have any suggestions or insight into which of the available e-commerce payment gateways is best. I'm needing to make a recommendation to a client and there are very few reviews of any of the payment gateway add-ons. Any thoughts, tips or feed…

Scraper block package

I needed a URL scraper to extract data into a C5 block from certain page elements on my systems managment server. It is very simple (if you know REGEX) and powerful. Does anyone think it would be of value in the "Market Place"? If so, I would gladly fix i…

Page Type Controller Task

Hi, I need to add a task for a page type. I created a page type controller in /controllers/page_types/my_super_page.php Define a class "MySuperPagePageTypeController" extending Controller in this file. Then I added my method task "public funct…

Pretty URLs and DIR_REL

Howdy, I'm looking for any input on the way I've done relative paths for a theme's navigation anchors. My original issue was that I couldn't get pretty URLs working on a dev server (solved that now), and this led me to find a way to handle relative pat…

Enforce HTTPS/ SSL for C5 that is installed in a sub directory

Hey gang, Hoping someone can help me with my SSL woes... I have a small (5 page) C5 installation in a /buy2 directory for a client (will be /buy when launched). It's using the eCommerce plugin. Basically, I enforced HTTPS in the .htaccess of the…

Page Type Not Loading, Other Page Types Load Fine

I am developing with my own theme and have loaded 2 other page types without a problem. Now I am trying to create a blog page with blog.php but it will not load. I get the default.php page instead. I have tried clearing the cache and reloading the pa…

www. url prefix kills auto redirect plugin

Hey guys! I don't know why, but for some reason, one of our sites goes wrong, when accessed with www. prefix in url. I have to add, that everything worked fine on our developement servers (not localhost!). I am sure, that there must be some kinds of conf…

Is this possible with Concrete (need help desperately)

Greeting, I'm totally new in concrete, just installed it and haven't really read or try so many things The reason i'm tryin Concrete, to be honest, is because i like to make this kind of website, i've tried some other platform/cms and they're all ei…

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