Developing (v7+)

Customer Database Application integrated to Second Life

Hi - The topic states my goal. Is there an add on that supports the simple creation and maintenance of data in custom database tables, along report generation for the database? I know how to connect from secondlife to a database, but I was wonderi…

Add Label Question to Input Field

I have installed the tableless fields addon in order to customise my one field form with CSS. However I'm trying to make the Label question appear inside the input box. I'm trying to work out how I would add the following code to the input box in the tabl…

Stacks or includes

Hi ! I'm only beginning with Concrete 5 and I have to say I am really impressed with the work ! Now just like any beginner I have tons of questions ! One of them is : If I got it well stacks are like chunks of html we can place somewhere. My question is…

Hardcode filtered page list with pagination

Hi all I've been working with the page list object to manually filter out pages and display their data, and that works great. The only trouble is when it comes to pagination, in which case using a page list *block* (rather than object) seems to be much…

Render a page as a guest

I have an interesting dilemma and have no idea how to approach it. I need to be able to render a concrete5 page as a guest, while logged in as an editor. Sort of like a "View what the public sees" setting on facebook. I'm trying to build an add-on th…

PageList, how to filter by "select" custom attribute

I have a custom attribute, "event_tags" (a select option) How do I filter by a checkbox / selected tag? I tried [code] $pl ->filterByEventTags('my_attribute'); [/code] I also tried: [code] $pl ->filterByEventTags(57); // use the number v…

routing / page organization for controller / single page

I have a page called "clinic" with a folder under my "controllers" folder called "clinic". However, there isn't anything on this page. I have a controller called "select" (in my clinic folder, the name of the class is ClinicSelectController) which goes…

Authentication Testers

I have been working on the authentication framework and have it mostly operational at The code is up on github if you want to try it: (though its not fully updated, bu…

Now HERE'S a project. Useful Add-On opportunity.

Take a look at attached screenshot. The idea is described below. If anyone can build this, they will have a big seller and I will be the first buyer. 1. It's a right-left scrollable feed of Past Events with 1 Thumbnail per event (like a horizontal page…

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