Developing (v7+)

Database Migrations in Concrete5 Packages

Does Concrete5 support any sort or database migrations and/or setup scripts for packages? That is, I'm creating a Package per this article and my add-on is going to require some…

Save $55 bucks on this deal!

It's my birthday month! check out this deal only valid through the end of June!! Save $55 on these really awesome addons. These addons are easily my most used products on my own projects! ChadSt…

Deep-linking to tabbed content

I'm looking for two features for a tabs plugin: 1. Allowing to deep-link to a specific tab (ie using a hashtag for example) 2. The source code of the deep-linked tab to contain only the content of that initial tab (for SEO optimization). I'm lookin…


I have a validation PHP script that confirms that a user name/password is valid (in a database table that I added to C5). If it is valid, I set a couple of SESSION variables. The thing is when the script is done and I load another page, the new page doe…

Placing and Image As Attribute

I want to add an image per page, such as a heading image, as an attribute. However, I am new to the programming environment. How would I go about doing this?

Caching Blocks - Question

I've been working off of this post: I have a custom block that outputs different information to each user. I'd like to cache it using these settings…

Pulling a block from another page

Hello! I've got a crazy question. I'm trying to pull an image block from another page to use with the Page List. I keep getting this error:Warning: file_exists() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home/potatoes/public_html/concrete/h…

List of built-in page types that include 'short description'?

I have been playing with C5 for about a week now. I am confused about 'built-in' page types and themes. When I make a page type, I define editable areas. Then I go to defaults and add any blocks and stacks I want. Then I include it in composer. When…

Slider only working when logged in

Hi I have a slider on a site i'm developing that isn't a concrete addon, when logged in it works perfectly but when i'm not logged in it won't work. Any ideas why this may be? Can't seem to figure it out. Here is the html code for the slider [cod…

Package Foreign Key on uninstall/install/update

Hi, I have used on db.xml foreign keys like this , Foreign Key (user_id) references User(id) Now when I uninstall and reinstall package I get errors like mysql error: [1553: Cannot…

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