Deep-linking to tabbed content

I'm looking for two features for a tabs plugin:

1. Allowing to deep-link to a specific tab (ie using a hashtag for example)
2. The source code of the deep-linked tab to contain only the content of that initial tab (for SEO optimization).

I'm looking into using the Magic Tabs plugin but I'm not sure it offers this. Any other feedback is appreciated.


JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
1. The easiest way to do this is to make a small change to the view template to set the current tab from the url #. I have added a detailed note on the Magic Tabs forum at
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
2. Not directly. Magic tabs loads all the content, then splits it up once loaded using jQuery. There are ways to hide content within a page from search engines.

- You could make the content of each tab after the first an iframe block.

- (this requires some scripting) you could make the page the result of a form submission, so that the search engine only saw the unsubmitted form with just the first tab, then some script in the page did a form submit before any heavy loading completed to show the full page.

- Use blocks that do ajax loading in the tabs after the first, but you would have to use something like Tony's Rapid Ajax Paging to load the tabbed content from other pages.

You can experiment with one of the free iframe blocks wrapped in a block style of display:none. You then use the developer console to remove the display:none style from the iframe block. If you can make that reveal your content, then it should also work with Magic tabs.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I have just submitted a generic 'Blocks by AJAX' addon to the PRB that can be used within sets of Magic Tabs or with other blocks to delay the loading of block content.

(Link will only work for those with PRB access until the block is approved).
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply