Developing (v7+)

Google Maps Display Problem

Hello, I am using the latest Concrete5 version and I am a huge fan! Nevertheless, I am building a block based on the Google Maps Enhanced add-on. My problem is the display of the Google window and the navigation. I am using Google's latest maps api. Ma…

How create Stimap XML for webmasters tools

Hi, I buil my new website : and i want to send my sitemap to google but i cant create it.. I go to systeme and maintenance ans i tried to create one but i have a error message that the folder cant wirte on it. Ca…

What does "Make set Public" mean

I looked around and can't seem to find an answer to what "Make set Public" means. When uploading multiple files (after hitting "Start Uploads") you are directed to a new screen that has two tabs. ("Basic Properties", and "Sets") At the bottom of the…

Autonav inside template not sorting the "home" item

I've put an autonav inside a template and it works just fine. But when i try to sort the menu-tree by site order like: "home about products order" I get: (asc) "about products order home" (desc) "order products about home" "home" just w…

Single page redirect loop?

Ok, I'm trying to set up a site for my mother's travel agency. I added a single page at It was working, I edited it and themed it with the "Splash" theme. I've enabled pretty url's and added the .htaccess file to th…

Can't change blog-language

Hi there, I have a blog on my C5-website, but I have a small problem with it. My page is in german language, so I wanna have the date and the "Read full post", "Older Post" and so an in german too. I opened concrete > blogs > page_list > tamplates …

split search bar from search results

Hello. Is there any simple way (hardocde way would be the best) to split the search results from search bar? I have search bar in header part of the site and let display results to another page, but it shows the results under the search bar div. Any way t…

Chinese Fonts

Hi, I'm working on a site that has pages in Chinese and Simplified Chinese. We are trying to find the best font-family to use to display the content in these languages. Has anyone any tips on the best way to set for this? Thanks

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