Developing (v7+)

Unable to Update Addons after upgrade to 5.5

I am getting a weird error when attempting to update an addon after I upgrade to 5.5. I did notice this error before but only on one addon. Now I am getting it on all Addon Update attempts. The error reads as "1", that's it. I created a Bug Report…

Can Google Analytics track VIA the Expand / Collapse Add-On

Does anyone know if a user clicks to expand a paragraph if this info can be useful in finding out what visitors are most interested in when coming to your site? I may have 5 expandable paragraphs on one page and if google can track the which of the 5 h…

TinyMCE config for HTML5 in Concrete 5.5

I'm loving Concrete 5.5 - well done all involved! I have one tiny issue using HTML5 within TinyMCE... Some of the footer links on the site I'm building use multiple elements nested within tag links like this (perfectly valid HTML5): [code] heade…

concrete5 5.5 White Labelling Support

Can anybody please help? Thanks to Andrew for the fantastic how-to here: It's a really good start, but I have enabled the following: [code] define('ENABLE_MARKETPLACE_SUP…

Variables across includes

Hello, Given the following in a pagetype file: [code] $this->inc('elements/content_top.php'); $this->inc('elements/content_main_local_projects.php'); $this->inc('elements/footer.php'); [/code] Why is it that a variable set in 'content_top.…

**SOLVED** Get ANY File Attribute from Page List

Hi! I just created a Page List template that allows me to upload and link to files using attributes, however, I need to display the file name too... I've tried the attributes found in the C5 cheat sheet, but maybe I'm doing it wrong. This is what I …

Editing Border still around blocks that user does not have Edit Access

In one of my current sites there is only a few users that need edit access only to a few blocks. Basicly what I have done is create an "Admin" page with subpages that they have Edit access to and then I alias content blocks on that page to show up on the …

source code

I have been having trouble registering my website with Bing and I received the following e-mail: Investigation shows that you have two opening and closing head tags. I recommend that you remove the second opening and closing head tags which can be found …

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