Developing (v7+)

Downloading files from file sets

I have created a page where an admin user can upload documents for use by manager users. I need to create a page where an authorized user can select, or click a link for, one of the 10 files sets. At that point a list of links each containing the name o…

any advice for end user easy to add profiles?

So we're working on a clients site. Once again, they are not tech savvy at all. When you click on the staff page a sub menu appears on the left with a list of staff members. If you click on a staff member, their info is displayed on the right. Is th…

display "out of stock" when qty equals 0 in ecommerce

Hello, I am trying to find a way in Ecommerce to set it where if a product has a qty of 0 then it displays the message "out of stock", and if possible hides the add to cart button. I have the search set up to hide out of stock items, but if someone sea…

add on to install other addons

Hey all. I've never been a big fan of PHP but I just want to say again how much I love this CMS compared to every other CMS i've seen in PHP, Ruby or its easier to work with and program against than anything else i've used. Kudos to the crea…

page_list page attribute download

hi im trying to create a page attribute file download link on the page_list block. [code] echo 'Download NOW'; [/code] but i get this Fatal error: Call to a member function getVersion() on a non-object i cant seem to figure out whats wrong a…

SEO Google Organics

Hello Welcome, This is my issue I have been running my site for about 2 months now and at first with the help of Google ad-word credit's it had plenty of traffic. Since the credit's ran dry it has been a whole other story. Google's Web Master Tool…

avatar on the blog

Hi, Is it possible to display users avatar on posts on the blog? e.g I have three users, and everyone writes your posts. On page list I can show who posted any post [code] [/code], but how I can show his avatar?

Filemaker integration

Hello community, I have a project in hands that requires integration with filemaker database. I would like to know if it would be possible to use concrete5 as tool to import records from a filemaker db in order to publish the info in the front end. So t…

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