Developing (v7+)

Strip ccm_paging_p from getLinkToCollection

Hi all I'm using matogertel's Tag Cloud addon (from within Search Tools), but I think the API calls are universal to C5. The addon creates tag URLs using the current page's location, but when the user has clicked onto a secondary page using a pagelist,…

FREE PHP script to create thumbnails from JPG's

Hi you all, Just thought I would offer up a script that I use that saves me a lot of time. It's a simple script based mostly on one I found on the internet (I forget where I found it) that I modified slightly. Here's the code...(assumes there …

User Attributes (add default message)

I have set up some custom attributes for my members website. I've customized the profile page a bit with CSS. What I would like to see happen is if there is no answer filled in on the form in the user profile page to have that attribute display a defa…

on_page_update event and attribute values

I am experiencing some problems in accessing attribute values from the Page object that is passed to the on_page_update event. The values received are the ones from the time that the page properties form is first displayed, rather than as they are at the …

Best way to create block that has variable parameters?

I have a block that I am using on a photo site that I am building. This block creates an image zoomable to a larger image using a lightbox called FancyBox (thanks Jordan for your block which gave me the base for my modified block). Now with most …

What is the best way to escape database INSERTS?

I'm wondering what the best way to escape database inserts are. For example, with the following input: !@#$%^&*()"' I've tried: [code] $db = Loader::db(); // Need to look into escaping //$grpName = $db->qstr($grpName); //$grpName = htmlspec…

styling blog_entry's .pageSection h1 effects entire site?

Is class="pageSection" something that affects all over the place within Concrete5? I just tried to style the blog_entry and since everything is in a div class of "pageSection," I thought it would be pretty easy. .pageSection h1, h2 { margin:.5em, 0e…

Count number of pages with an attribute?

Hi all How would I efficiently count the number of pages that have a particular attribute? Ideally using the API (although whatever works is fine!) I want to use the number to amend another page count (num of children - number of children with attri…


Defined in root/concrete/config/app.php [code]define('REL_DIR_FILES_TOOLS_REQUIRED', DIR_REL. '/tools/required');[/code] But no tools/required directory and no required() being called from what I can tell. I'm sure I am missing something simple. C…

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