Strip ccm_paging_p from getLinkToCollection

Hi all

I'm using matogertel's Tag Cloud addon (from within Search Tools), but I think the API calls are universal to C5. The addon creates tag URLs using the current page's location, but when the user has clicked onto a secondary page using a pagelist, they get a URL like this:

Note the ccm_paging_p_b496=4. This is only appended to the URL when the user is on a numbered pagelist page other than the first one (i.e. has clicked Prev/Next or one of the numbers at the bottom).

My issue is that this breaks the tag links. They work fine when the ccm_paging_p### variable isn't in the address, but when it's there that variable gets passed on and breaks the search results page list. This is what a broken link looks like:
(note the ccm_paging_p## var comes first in these generated URLs)

Basically, what I need to do is strip it from the links which are generated in the tag cloud.

I think the piece of code which generates the link is this (from its controller.php):

if ($this->link_to_cID>0) {
   $nh = Loader::helper('navigation');
   $sc = Page::getById($this->link_to_cID);
   if ($sc->getCollectionId()>0) {
      $path = $nh->getLinkToCollection($sc);
      $url = Loader::helper('url');
      foreach ($myCloud as $i=>$word) {
      //note tag search is buggy in 5.3.3, so this feature is disabled until 5.4
         $myCloud[$i]['link'] = $url->setVariable(array('cloudID'=>$this->bID,'tag'=>$word['word']),null,$path);

and the offending line is

$path = $nh->getLinkToCollection($sc);

Is this a case of using regular expressions, or is there a better way to do it? I need to retain the two other variables which are passed (cloudID and tag).

Anyone have any thoughts? Any help much appreciated!

melat0nin replied on at Permalink Reply
Fixed it just by adding a '?' to the output of getLinkToCollection, which cancelled the existing variable there.