Developing (v7+)

Page List To Display Multiple Sub Pages?

I'm building a site to display schedules for our local sports team. So under my SCHEDULES Page. I have a page each for Football, Basketball and Hockey. Under each of those, I have pages for the daily schedule of games. I want a page list to displ…

Reinstalling Concrete5

I have been having issues and bugs with Concrete5 on my own site, it worked fine for my clients, but it is just mine I am having issues with. I am sure when I installed it it didnt install quite right, edit page and add page buttons have stopped working a…

Managing content (that is in header.php) through the dashboard.

This is the issue guys. What I am trying to do is control an area of each page through the dashboard ( I don't want it to be editable through the frontend) but I am failing to see how this is possible. The area that I am trying to manage is inside…

Buttons on the navbar linking to a page outside of concrete

Hello This may be a dumb question, but I haven't been able to find any answers.. The little navbar at the top of the site - is there a way to link the buttons directly to another page outside of concrete? I am using myBB for my forum, and I need to…

JS file not loading for block

I have a custom template for the Search block which shows only the search form - for use in page head. It is located at /blocks/search/templates/form_only/view.php Along with that custom template is a css and js file which are names view.css and view.js…

List products by sets/categories

Hi all, I have purchased ecommerce addon and have installed it. I can see that the sample products are listed under a page called "catelog". I can group the products under sets in the dashboard. But I couldn't get around to list the products by sets…

Editable areas on login page

I have a login page using a custom theme for a client. They would like to be able to change a message on the login page periodically. Through the dashboard and showing system pages they can update login (or page forbidden) and as long as the user goes to …

Search Engine stuck on Reindexing

Hi, In the jobs section the search engine is stuck on re-index. I've even upgraded to the latest and greatest 5.4.2 - and even after the upgrade, after stopping mysql, after stopping apache - the dang thing continually tries to run - and never ever fini…

Using block in single pages.

Hi can anyone tell me how to use a block in a single page? ive created a single page from the c5 tutorial but as far as i know all the editing you do with a single page isnt through the cms, its on your own with a text editor (or so i think). i am using j…

Alias Page Child in Auto Nav

I have tried to create an alias of the Page 1 to throw under parents and students (so I only have to edit the page once and it reflects in the other sections). However, the child of the aliased page does not show up in the site tree only a plus sign that …

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