Developing (v7+)

Crash when include Loader::element('header_required');

hello guys , i'm building a new theme with concrete in my php file , everything works fine but when i add that line , an error occurs and the page can't load properly Loader::element('header_required'); btw : i'm not loading any other …

User email required...

We are building a section of a client's site that will allow their employees to login and view information exclusively for them. We have about 150 employees to enter into a user group and they don't have emails for them all. How can I fix the Add U…

innovation theme

i wont to like from my main NAV (Contact) to the top slider on this theme, how do i do that? ex. when i press Contact in my auto nav/main NAV, the top-slider rolls down. here is the theme im talking about:…

Wired character when posted on facebook

HI i've have a problem on facebook, when i want to post my site on my wall, its dosent recognize the danish character æ,ø,å can a module i've installed effect that? /Thx Mike

SOLVED - Can someone please decifer this error message?

Hi, I am using eantics bios addon, i had this working perfectly then recently not sure what has changed, but i'm getting an error message when I try to add a new block. The error i get is as follows, but i have no idea what it means, can anyone please sh…

What files in `files` to include/exclude from version control

Hi there, I'm writing some automated backup scripts to monitor live changes and push them into version control and I'm wondering what files under the `files` directory I can ignore. I need to include all files that would are required to checkout the…

Upload image not working

I have used a mac and pc but can not get my images to load to the file manager. They just load as broken images. I can upload the small jpeg files to other sites and on other computers. It just does not work on your site. Is there something wrong?

Left Sidebar Page List

I'm just learning C5. Our website was ported over by someone into C5 who is no longer available. The left sidebar has the navigation and there are two problems: 1. Page called Services is listed first before Home, even though sidebar is set to disp…

Page content disappears after update

Hit an odd bug where one page on our site lost all its content after update This includes previous versions, although the previous versions are still listed. Any idea why this is the case?

How can I remove page from main navigation?

How can I remove a page from main navigation? I want to keep the page, but just move it off the main navigation at the top. I've searched for 20 minutes and clicked every button I can think of and have not been able to figure this out. Could someone pr…

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