Developing (v7+)

Autonav CSS ID

I am new to Concrete5 and trying to get my head around how to use it by building a site. I am trying to automatically give each page in the nav a css id/class so I can style the page and the navigation, looking through the forum I have seen some refere…

What Is Searchable and Indexable in C5?

Can someone tell me what types of content in C5 are 1.) searchable by the site search block and 2.) indexed by Google/Bing/etc? I'm asking because I'm thinking about using Page Attributes as an easy way to display some data to the user, but I want that…

info on locating a theme

Folks Have put research in to this already so here's hoping you can help.... I am looking for a theme which looks a bit like as an example. the key requirement is that the company logo sits at the top left as per Western Union, an…

Unable to load sitemap error(s)

I've been searching the forums and not found anything quite like I have going… I can get into the sitemap/full sitemap but when I click the "+" to go to a subpage, I get a "Internal Server Error". I can go to Flat View and get to the subpage but wh…


Hello, I want a RSS generator for my website including images and descriptions of the items. few pictures, articles or pages concrete5 supports? also need a sitemap creator

temporary page

How would you create a temporary page when using a block? I have a block and I need a temporary page for all the code to run on and display to. Then I use the iframe to display it on screen

How to turn off a SPECIFIC javascript in EditMode?

I have a really neat and easy little code called Cycle that rotates some slides. With the new Designer Content block, I was able to make this a functional, editable bunch of slides. Only problem is that I can't figure out how to turn Cycle script off in E…

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