Developing (v7+)

Cache of object Database Item List

I have a class that extends DatabaseItemList where I am doing some basic filtering and pagination. However, it just so happens that the database I am working with is 2 million+ records large and, as you can image, my response times on the site are abysmal…

Contact Form using maxlength

I need to set a maxlength of 2 on an input field for a contact form block. Does anyone have a solution for this? There doesn't seem to be an option for this using the basic form block. Thanks!

User attribute: image ... user can't edit on profile page

I've added an image attribute for Users, and it works fine... except when I try to make it editable on the user profile page. What I see is the spinner graphic, and the "Choose Image" never loads. I tried different permutations of permissions on the F…

pretty url for og:url

in my header_required.php i'm including some facebook open graph code and it requires the page url. i'm able to use the navigation helper to echo the current url but it isn't "pretty". [code] global $c; $nh = Loader::helper('navigation'); $cpl = $nh…

Possible to save form data encrypted using an external form?

We have a few existing vanilla html forms that need to be rebuilt for use as external_forms. Some have some sensitive info that the client wants to be encrypted in the db. We would like to set the saving of these form fields to be encrypted in the db, …

Advanced Permissions Broken by Apostrophe in Page Type Names

If you have clients/users creating Page Types while using Advanced Permissions this may impact you. “Page Type” Names need validation ASAP – apostrophes break the javascript that manually adds users / groups to the advanced permissions for any given…

Blog entry changing posted by admin to user?

Hi i have been playing with concrete for a while now and i realy like it much easyer and user freandly than word press. How ever i am creating a site for some one and have to re-enter all his old entrys into concretes blog, but i was using the admin lo…

Horizontal menu

Is there any way to put in a horizontal menu as a block? The superfish has a horizontal option but it always makes a vertical menu. Thanks

Customize dashboard help window + temp fix for help search

Has anyone else noticed the search form in the help window doesn't work? Currently, the search just goes to the log in screen (even if you are already logged in) .... so today, inspired by this post…

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