Developing (v7+)

Excess space appearing at bottom of one of my pages??

On one of the pages I have been building with Concrete5 there is an excessive amount of white space appearing under the block content and I can't for the life of me figure why it's there. Anybody ever encountered this before or have any ideas as to ho…

Sub categories on inside pages

I am very new to Concrete. Just installed it and am not techy at all. I am learning how to set up the menus and sub menus (I think that is what they are called). I see them on the top which is fine. I want to set up a page list of the sub categories on th…

jQuery UI Dialog

jQuery UI was pretty nascent when we created concrete5. Consequently, we created our own dialog class that functioned with a completely different API, and a completely different style, than what would ultimately become jQuery UI Dialog. We have appropriat…

Variable Sidebars Depending on Which Page They Came From

Let's say I have 1 product that can be arrived at from 8 different links. Well, depending on which link they clicked on to get to my product, I would like to show a different sidebar. In other words, 8 possible sidebars, for one particular product. I know…

Allow New Users to Create their own Username/Password

Hello everyone! I am looking to use Concrete 5 in my next project, and my client is wanting to create a secure page for the sales reps. He wants the sales reps to be able to create their own username/password, so they can use something they can easily rem…

Open an external link in new window NOT working

I have a page created that is supposed to open an external link in a new window, but it doesn't open a new window. The page is on the second level in the drop down menu. I have Superfish 1.1.4 installed. Can you help? I've uploaded a screen capture of the…

Blocks missing from error 404 pages

I've just created a custom 404 error page which uses the same layout and styles as the overall site. However, blocks such as navigation don't show up on the 404 page. Is there any way to allow this? Thanks,

List of pages a file is liked on - how do i get this?

I need to retrieve a list of the pages that any given file has been linked to on. The "Page Added To" field in the File Manager properties dialog is nice but I need a complete list of pages that a link to a given file appears on. I can accomplish this …

Maintenance Mode : C5 Doesn't display the content of it

Hello there, I've set up my Maintenance Mode page in the Single Pages in order to be able to edit it quickly. Everything's great, but when I log out to see the results, only the header and footer appear. The maintenance mode message I've added with …

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