Developing (v7+)

Different url displays a same page

Hello everyone, I started my first cms website using concrete5, and I'm still early stage of building this site. I must have done something wrong, but I just cannot figure out by myself. Issue: All pages I have created display a same page, my home …

Site Hits tracker in Dashboard died after migration

I recently moved a dev site to production. Everything worked perfectly per the online instructions on the C5 site. Only thing not working is the little flash plug in on the Dashboard main page. Any advice on how to reset this or something? http://www.…

Exclusion from Nav not working

Recently rebuilt in C5 (was entirely flash). Client wanted a 'new reel' that stacked by date and was easy to update. Easy enough. Used the free 'Easy News', works well. Issue: When a new News item in Easy News is created,…

Cloaking affiliate links

I am looking for an add-on that will allow me to insert cloaked links. Original link: Cloaked link: Anything like that available? Compare it to "Pretty Links" on Wordpress…

Padding around my Ukao Menu

Im using the Ukao Menu and can't find any way of getting rid of the large padding/gaps around each of the images in my menu. Can anyone suggest any ways of fixing this? I want all of the images to butt up against each other. It appears to be occuring when…

DNS transfer - Domain forwards to IP#

Just transferred the DNS and now the domain name is going to the IP address rather than the domain name. There must be a setting in the Dashboard to fix this, right? I called support and they said that's what it must be because it's nothing on their en…

Inserting an arbitrary string in pathname

Is there a way to create two URLs for one page in C5? Is there a way to insert an arbitrary string as a part of the *pathname* without affecting the intended function? Here's why: I made a javascript to behave differently depending on the pathnam…

How do I program LINKS (a href="??") in navigation

...that will ALSO cooperate with auto-nav blocks? I was using just this format: Special Events Which worked great! It will take me to: PERFECT! The Auto Nav also takes me to /special-events ...etc. So…

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