Different url displays a same page

Hello everyone,

I started my first cms website using concrete5, and I'm still early stage of building this site. I must have done something wrong, but I just cannot figure out by myself.

Issue: All pages I have created display a same page, my home page. I have made 5 pages so far, and no matter which link I click from my navigation, it displays homepage. In url bar, it displays the right info (e.g. /about/ or /introduction/).
I can visit a page I edited from sitemap, but once I click my navigation to get to another page, there's my homepage.

Could anyone tell me what I did wrong and how to fix this issue?

Thank you!

jeckerman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Try turning off Pretty Urls (Clean Urls) from the Dashboard, Sitewide Settings, and see if you can then? (also make sure to remove [but backup] the .htaccess file that is in the root of your site.

- Josh
histak replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you, Josh!

It worked like a charm.
Although I do need pretty url enabled, so I turn back on to see what's going on, I got "No input file specified." for all pages except my homepage.

I'm looking at an answered topic on this problem to see if I can fix. (http://www.concrete5.org/index.php?cID=5346)

Thanks again for your help.

- histak
jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply
Great! I definitely understand you wanting the pretty urls on. If that thread doesn't help, let me know. And we'll dig into this.

BTW, what OS and Web Server are you running this on? (Linux and Apache, Windows and IIS, etc..)

- Josh
histak replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm quite embarrassed, but i don't really know. I look through my host but couldn't get to the right place to find out.
This project is using network solutions' shared server.

I'm still working on it, but I need to call it a day for now.

- histak
jeckerman replied on at Permalink Reply
Get ahold of me when you get back on it, and we'll get it fixed up.

- Josh
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
For pretty urls you need the .htaccess file to contain the code that C5 gives you when you enable pretty urls.

Maybe you have pretty urls enabled in C5, but the .htaccess is either not there or broken.