Developing (v7+)

Multi-purposing the Form Results on the Dashboard

Hello, Is it compliant with Concrete5's marketplace rules for my package to use the Form Results tab under "Reports" for another block that I am planning to sell in the marketplace? My block will create special forms. I need a place for admin to view …

Ecommerce - buyer must be signed in before purchasing

Hi, I've purchased the ecommerce module with the digital downloads module and I'd like it so that it doesn't allow users to check out unless they've registered first and are signed in. Can someone please tell me how this could be done? Thanks, M

block inheritance

Hi there, First of all: Thanks for the CMS... well done! but.... i was wondering if there is any feature in the future so that i can inherit a specific block element. Lets say i want a slideshow on every page. It would be much easier to put a sli…

Custom Interface to add database items

I'm wondering if there's a basic interface (block) that people use when they want to build a new block to upload items for a specific package. I have noticed the forms for each block generally look the same, so it would appear that everyone creating these…

Another fatal error - this time on a fresh install

Hi, This is the second fatal error I've got when trying to do something within C5, so I'm starting to worry! I tried uploading multiple files from the Incoming folder and C5 threw me this: [code]Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ADODB_Exception' with…

Styling the Register page

I have duplicated the register.php page, placed into single_pages directory and changed the site_theme_paths page in config to aim at my theme. Still doesn't pick up the styling. And also how do I replace the C5 logo with my own on the register page…

Styling login page

My site : I have used the free Login add on at the top of my site. Works well when people enter their correct details. However, if they enter incorrect ones then a new page opens that has thrown out the original styli…

Block Quotes Carousel

Hi there, I am trying to create cycling quotes as a block in my web, although I am totally newbie in PHP it is quite difficult for me. Any help? Where to start?

Upgrading Problems - wipes out customized template

Hello C5 Community! I am a designer who designs using C5 default templates but customizes them to build my own blocks, navs, and structure of the page by taking out elements like sidebars. I am having problems with upgrading C5. Every time I do this…

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