Developing (v7+)

File Manager Advanced Search Filter Issue

I go to the File Manger, click on the advanced search filter, and make a filter for Extension and choose JPG extension. I click Search then all JPGs gets listed Here is the issue: The result pagination only allows me to go next one page by one page. F…

No access.

Hello A strange one for me as I didn't do anything to cause it. But this is all I get: ( I've changed my database to "me" ) An unexpected error occurred. An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO CollectionVersionBlocksOutputCache (cID, cvI…

Add validation to page attribute

Hello! I'd like to have a limit on how long the text can be for a certain page attribute and then have some error message pop up if the text is too long. This is easy to do for block forms but I have no idea how I do this for attributes. I'm not sure i…

Custom Blocks, Namespaces and Classes

Hi- I am converting custom blocks from a 5.6 site to a 5.8 site. The blocks pull data from proprietary tables and then use custom templates to format the data. When adding a block to a page, the add method is used to obtain a hike_id that in turn is u…

Need help with members message: "This user is inactive"

We occasionally have members who receive the message: "This user is inactive. Please contact us regarding this account." And they can't register because they already have an account ... which is inactive. These are folks I know have been active members, …

Saving a multiple select as attribute

Currently running into a issue where my multiple selects are being saved in the attribute. Is there a certain want you have to format the array to save it correctly for C5 to pick it up? [code] [/code] [code] pub…

Drop down menus

Is there any tutorials to create a drop down menu can be used with etc with autonav. In straight html its seems quite easy to add a simple bootstrap drop down menu and on one site I manage with C5 I actually use straight code to create a menu as …

Setting z-index higher than 1000

I'm currently working on a number of new templates and themes based on bootstrap 3 etc and seem to continually run into problems with the z-index and C5 ediiting system. I believe concrete5 uses z-index of 1000 for its interface etc and bootstrap uses z…


Hi, I would like to create a e-commerce website for merchandise. I would also like a PayPal integration for payment method. When I search for e-commerce template not many appear (only 2). Can you help me in the steps to create this using Concrete 5. Th…

Is it possible to set a Global Variable Available to Every Page?

Hello C5 Community: I would like to create a simple ecourse for kids on our site. Each page will have some informational text or a picture on it, and a question. Kids will have to answer the question (either 'fill in the blank' or multiple choice) ba…

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