Developing (v7+)

8.4.2: how to get multiple files in php uploaded through ajax?

With normal form posting file can be obtained like so: [code] echo $form->file('my_file[]', ['class' => 'attachment-file']); ... $data = $this->request->request->all(); // form input values excl. files $files = $this->request->files; // form files $…

8.4.2: how to join File table

What should I join with in entity class to have the File table: - Concrete\Core\File\File, - Concrete\Core\File\Version, - Concrete\Core\Entity\File\File or - Concrete\Core\Entity\File\Version? I want my class to remove an entry when a file is dele…

Site down - with this error

Can some help with this ? Its on a clean new install an happend on the install of wire theme REGARDS Flemming

Render Canonical Only does not force letter case

In the old days pre version 7, if someone typed a url like so: it would 301 to the correct url of avoiding any potential duplicate content issues. It seems that this is no longer the case wi…

8.4.2: how to validate multiple uploading files

I have a number of Select File widgets on a page: [code] echo $form->file('file[]', ['accept' => ".jpg, .jpeg, .png"]); [/code] I get the files array with: [code] $files = $this->request->files; [/code] And I need to validate each of them. I can't…

8.4.2: where does concrete5 store files?

Where does concrete5 store actual files: in the application/files folder or in a DB? I need to store large files in a server folder, not in the DB, because server HDD space is nearly unlimited while the DB size is not. If I add a new local file sto…

Copying event attributes for Calendar v8.2.1 using SQL

This is a fairly technical question. In v8.3.0 C5 merged the Calendar plugin into a core feature. I'm trying to figure out the best way to transition from using the Calendar plugin with v8.2.1 to the built in calendar feature in v8.3.0. I see that there a…

How to redirect on IP location

I want to push country redirection on can anyone guide me how to apply redirection.

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