Developing (v7+)

Display table info in a block

Hey, I have a simple block with 2 tables, one is to contain the info about the block with it is added to the site. ( i think all blocks have this one. I think its to track the block in the system? no sure ). I can access the fields in the first block as …

Two Registration Form

I built a website for a client who sales a product online. He wants the customers to have to login to see the product price; He also wants another group of customers, special customers who can login, and have whole sale prices to the products. My approach…


I'm getting killed trying to find where the information is being pulled from; i.e., the "description" data in the document library for a particular file. Why is this so hard? Can someone advise on what is best to read with regards to understanding how t…

Two different menu styles

I have searched for a solution to having two differently styled menus on one page. I have made two different menu folders in my autonav folder, Main_menu and Footer_menu. Both folders have a view.css and a view.php file within them. However, when I edit t…

SEO friendly image path

Hi, Does anyone know how to modify or implement C5 to take advantage of SEO friendly image paths. I've played with the alternate storage location, etc... But at the end of the day, the path to the image is always: Apparently pretty urls is …

Document Library issue: Permissions > Guests See Everything!

Okay, can someone tell me why my file permissions seems to do what I want for both users and admins but not for guests? Users see only their uploaded files ("mine") and admins see everything. Guests see everything too! I've tried all that I know. Usin…

Get the contents of a block instead of displaying it?

I've been trying to find a way of returning the contents of a block (fully rendered) instead of having it instantly pushed out to the browser (using $b->display()). It seems that there is no way to do this? I tried using output buffering to surround t…

problem about global block

i try to make a block named newslist. there is a area in this block. insert news block in the area. and sort by the create time. but i can not edit those news block at another page or insert new news block at another page. if i click edit unter…

Custom Block / Template with one row and two columns

I want a block that lets me add in essence row(s) with two editable columns (blocks). I want to use CSS instead of Tables with a preference for I can accomplish what I want in a Template with: [code] …

Upgrade -> Layout Block is not editable

Hi Folks, After upgrading a copy of my current site most seems to work as it should but the new layout feature. It is possible to create one but when it comes to edit or delete there is no reaction. The block-like frame below the created layout doesn't…

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