Developing (v7+)

Include JS in header.php

in what format can i place this required foxycart js file into my header.php

after_login Event ?

I would like to hook into the login process. I thought there might be an event like 'after_login' but i could not find one in the events library. Am i looking in the wrong spot, or is there some other way to hook into the login/logout system?

Auto Nav Problem

I have a problem in that Auto-Nav is not working as indicated it should in the documentation. I have the following site structure: Home > About >> Sub Page 1 >> Sub Page 2 >>> Third Level Page 1 >>> Third Lev…

Can't get my controller to work

I'm a newbie to both c5 and php. I'm working on a single page. I'm learning from the tutorial on "Handling Requests with Page Controllers". I've done every single step, so everything is the same (but the name on my single page). I have the "Wiadomos…

Troubleshooting email sending

I've created a c5 site with a 'Contact Us' form. The form has email notification enabled, but when I use the form, the email isn't sent to my test account. What I was hoping for is an outline of where I should check for the disconnect. My first suspicion …

Can I develop and make money with c5?

Hello, Let's say that I'm a PHP developer, and I don't want to spend all my time and create a very good CMS for my clients, and of course c5 is the best and I really mean THE best I've seen. So I wanted to use do my designs, edit designs, modify c5 to …

cannot browse hard drive and upload images

I'm trying to upload images and cannot get to the proper file manager screen. I click on file manager and it takes me straight to a View Files screen instead of the upload screen. I only have this problem on my home computer. My other computer is OK. I…

Autonav disappears during edit

When I go to edit my pages the autonav disappears. The tags are still there in the html, but the menu is invisible. But the menu only disappears when I go to edit, otherwise its fine. Any ideas? Found solution: Apparently, in editing mode, C5 adds e…

Flickr feed with just images

Hi Guys I want to have a flickr feed without the description and where the images are links - any ideas how to make this happen? Cheers

Database query: number of rows returned?

Building my own PHP scripts to go into a custom block. What's the 'correct' method to find the number of rows returned from a query. Have looked in what I think is the database abstraction file (concrete/libraries/database.php), but it seems very minimal.

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