Can I develop and make money with c5?


Let's say that I'm a PHP developer, and I don't want to spend all my time and create a very good CMS for my clients, and of course c5 is the best and I really mean THE best I've seen. So I wanted to use do my designs, edit designs, modify c5 to my clients needs, and then sell it with c5 included in the package for my client.

Is it fine this way? Are there any example of people or companies that do this?

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
not only /can/ you, but in fact we'd encourage you to. There are thousands of developers who are building websites for clients and using concrete5 as the glue that makes them work. We have no problem with any way you price your services around that. Sell your time hourly, sell fixed bids, do package deals that include concrete5.

Legally you can even rebrand concrete5 and call it "myAweseomeCMS" and run with it. This isn't my favorite thing on earth because I think it hurts both you and us, and it's a bit of a waste of time. There are several places in concrete5 where it connects to this website to offer add-ons or help, and we plan to continue to develop in that vein, so if you rebrand it to be something else you'll have some complicated issues to deal with every time we do a new version release. That being said, I know people have.

Most exciting to a developer I would hope is our own marketplace. As you build solutions for your clients and occasionally need to create something new, if you take the time to package it up in a clean and safe format, we'll help you resell it in our marketplace the same way apple does in their App store. Now you can have some residual income from the hard work you do for each client.

Pretty awesome, eh?

Assim replied on at Permalink Reply
Awesome. I just like how we can use it for our clients, developing and selling for the marketplace, and the best of all is that it's the best CMS around.

Thanks frz for your reply, it's really helpful.