Developing (v7+)

User Attributes causing max_input_vars exceeded error

Hi, I have a C5.6.3.4 site that uses a "Select" type of User Attribute to add additional user information. Currently the number of selection options number 328 (yes, it's crazy high, but necessary for historical reasons), but we actually need to add m…

Are controller variables auto-passed to views?

Hi There, Is there a way to grab variables calculated or set in the controller to a view? e.g. output Facebook's open graph tags using the variables directly from header_required.php like this [code]


I'm trying to design my own login page. But when a user enters wrong data (wrong password/username) he gets redirected to "login/authenticate/concrete" and there he gets welcomed by the default styled login screen. Does anyone know how to redirect to my…

ccm_token for login

I'm trying to design my own login page (which the users can access as well, and for that to work it required the "ccm_token" which should by implementet like this [code] [/code] but I am struggling to find out the current token. It is somewhere in …

Form Entry CSV Export Useless?

I can export as a CSV; however it gives me a file with no extension. I have given this file .txt and .csv extensions to try and import to excel and myself and our companies data guys can't figure out how to import it into any sort of format that is usefu…

Get rows from DB table

Hi, I want to connect to the database, get the rows and echo data from a table in the DB. A lot of the code I am seeing in packages is deprecated according to this:…

Right way to work with C5 database in team

Hi, guys! What is your workflow for developing C5 projects in team? I mean, let's imagine, that 2 developers are working with the same website simultaneously. And at some moment they have to merge their changes with each other. So, in case of files -…

Slack and concrete5

Ever wanted to integrate concrete5 with Slack? That's now possible! We built Slife, an add-on that sends notifications from your website to Slack. It supports customizable messages, multiple webshooks, and different channels. We also made it possible t…

Custom theme area design

Hi, I am building a custom theme for concrete 5.8.1 from an HTML template. I followed this documentation :…

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