Developing (v7+)

Repeating News Item

New to Concrete 5, using 5.7 latest download as of this date. I'm converting a static site to C5 and want to give them a company "latest news" block which repeats on each page, but only needs editing once. Any suggestions? I've searched the add ons for ne…

Create attribute type in 5.7

Hi, I need to create a new custom attribute type. I've read the developer documentation index: but I have only seen things about attributes but not attribute types. Finally, I found this: http://le…

Passing data to a page template.

I'm trying to find a way to pass data to a page template. I'm use to how things work in a block, where there's a controller and you can pass data with $this->set. But with page templates in a theme, how does one go about passing data to the page any t…

Gradients in theme customization

Is there a built in way for someone to put together a gradient in the style settings for a theme or do I have to make a variable for each color and combine it into a gradient in the less? It would be nice to let the user built the gradient from one color…

What is the ideal Concrete5 developer setup

Hi all, I've been learning about devops and a modern PHP developer workflow and I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions as to what they think would be the ideal developer setup. For instance: - Github vs bitbucket for code repo - Docker for …

Searching site members / users by country doesn't work

Hi! Searching site members / users by country doesn't work Search by city is ok, and by other attributes marked "Content included in user keyword search" also. c5 v. Thanks in advance!

Adding Multiple Grid Frameworks to a theme

Is there a way to make a them work with more than one grid framework? If Zurb and Bootstrap3 are built into c5, how can I make my theme allow either one in the selection when "Adding Area Layout"?

Custom Page Template Icon?

Any way to add a custom page template icon? Currently it seems I can only use ones from /concrete/images/icons/page_templates/ Anyway to pass a different path to use a custom one?

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