Searching site members / users by country doesn't work

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Searching site members / users by country doesn't work
Search by city is ok, and by other attributes marked "Content included in user keyword search" also.

c5 v.

Thanks in advance!

mesuva replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
As version 5.6.x is now considered 'legacy', you may need to post this error report directly on the github branch as an issue to be noticed.

However, one thing that comes to mind is that country data is stored in concrete5 by country code, not the full names.

So I'm wondering if you searched by country code it would work?
I.e., don't search for Australia, search for AU.

If that works, you may be able to put something in place to convert any country names to their corresponding country code before doing the search.
evgen replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes. AU works fine. Thanks!
I'll think what to do with this.