Developing (v7+)

Concrete5 5.7+ Package Controller Boilerplate Repo

Since I just announced the Block Type boilerplate, I realized I never announced the package controller boilerplate. On a google group discussion for conceretephp a few months ago, a discussion about best practices, etc was going on, and I decided to cr…

Concrete5 5.7+ Block Type Boilerplate Repo

I searched around github, forums, google, but I couldn't find a starter point boilerplate block repo anywhere to use as a starting point (because so often, the block code starts off the same way until you add that block's logic), at least not for 5.7+. So…

Creating non clickable nav link

Hi I am trying to create a non clickable link in the navigation, where I want to be able to click on sub pages only and not the parent link. Previously I added an external link with # as the url, then moved the sub pages underneath this. Now, it will no…

Importing old data to new site

OK. Created blank database. Installed C5.6.3.3 (old due to server restrictions) Imported original database. Site renders fine. Imported database backup from last version of site through the Site Settings menu. Go to site - database error telling me …

Blocks that contain areas?

I've spent hours scouring the internet/forums and have not been able to figure out specifically what I'm trying to do. I've got a page that needs to have a number of sections like so: [code] [/code] The sections must be lab…

Links won't open in lightbox / Iframe

Hi, i'm working on When you click on "Belgique / Pays Bas" the pages don't open in a lightbox... I can't see an error? What is going wrong? Thanks. Grafoman

Cookies disclosure

Hello, I work on the release. I tried to install addons free_cookie_disclosure, respecting the composer step. The result is an automatically generated information banner, before putting the block. So I wanted to find if it's possible to set par…

problem to see pages by visitors

Hello buddies I have a problem that I'd install concrete5 and now I just can see homepage and can't any other pages so all of them redirect to homepage. but when I'd login it's ok and all pages work fine. so I checked all things that was in my mind and …

Imported db not rendering site

I have installed concrete5 with a new webhost, created a blank database for the install then imported the saved database to the blank one. However, when I go to the site, nothing is showing apart from the css elements on the page. Am I missing a ste…

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